I decided to give the Front Garden a post of its own this week.  It's primarily a white garden, though there is some yellow there too, and we all need a white garden don't we? For those barn owls to sweep down over in the moonlight just like the bucolic image Vita Sackville-West conjured up.  In our case it is Little Owls who sit on the roof and poop all over the terrace.

The Rose on the front of the house is 'Golden Showers' and regularly features in the blog as it is just covered in flower for months on end.

In the urns are some pelargoniums which I've over wintered in the greenhouse and some violas that have sat there and sulked all Winter, but have now decided to perk up.  In the larger urns are variegated nepeta, which I hope will be trailing down to the ground soon. and white trailing verbena too.

Peonia 'White Wings' is looking beautiful right now.

I've been quite surprised by some of the plants which have died this Winter.  Has anyone else lost their achilleas?  I might have thought this Lambs Ears would have hated the wet, but even in really soggy areas they have pulled through.  This border is reasonably dry though due to the mature yew trees.  

It goes without saying that only white foxgloves are allowed.

Only White Valerian too.  It's a bit of an untidy plant and flops all over things I would rather it didn't, but it is unfussy and easy to grow, rather like the feverfew which is allowed to fill in any gaps.

I can't quite believe we've reached six already and I still have four pictures I was going to show you.  Well tough.  You will have to manage without.

Enjoy your garden.  I will try to enjoy mine and not fret too much about the upcoming open gardens.  As Mr B said, he can't tell the weeds from the plants and neither will they.

Perhaps you'd like to check out the other Six on Saturday posts hosted by Garden Ruminations ? 



  1. I certainly have the sale humidity here and the Lamb's ears still look great and thrive year after year. I have to remove a few sometimes.'Golden Showers' must look amazing from the front view !

  2. It does - but I rather ran out of space. Six is too few this time of year!

  3. Your white Front Garden looks such a peaceful place. I love the planting in your urns on the terrace and I’d love to see them when the nepetas and verbenas are spilling over the edges.
    My achilleas all survived, perhaps because I lifted them in autumn, divided them and left them until spring, when they were planted in new positions. I think the pots allowed them better drainage than the clay soil in the borders would have.

    1. You were lucky with them. I had thought they were fairly bullet proof. I'm sure the urns will feature again if they fulfill their potential.

    2. I've realised that despite the serenity of this part of the garden we hardly ever sit in it. I will change that.

  4. I'm planning a white front garden (eventually!) so this gives me lots of inspiration. Good luck with the open garden!

    1. It's a classic for a reason. I hope you create a fab white garden.

  5. Your front garden looks very impressive. I always like the idea of a white garden - peaceful and elegant. Peonia 'White Wings' reminds me of fried eggs! Lovely.

  6. 'Golden Showers' is beautiful, and seeing it in the wide shot in its setting is fabulous. The Peonies are lovely, too. Happy Six!

  7. What a beautiful front garden. The Peony is really beautiful. Thanks for sharing
    thequiltinggardener (Ann)

  8. Yellow and cream always enhance a white garden. That is a fabulous rose. And I am so impressed by the peony. I have grown 'White Wings' in the past, but it never looked as good as that. Good luck with your garden open day. Your visitors are in for a treat.

    1. Thank you. I've still got a bit of weeding to do (understatement) but other than planting out 60 dahlias, I am nearly ready.

  9. That peony! Bit like Sue's cacti in that by June 24 it will be an 'if only you'd been here' plant.

    1. I've been trying to locate a comedy prose piece about being shown round a garden by the lady owner, and everything is about to come into flower or has just gone over, and there is a lovely view but a shrub needs cutting back before it can be seen. Can't find it though.

  10. Woah, I just found your blog. Your white garden is very romantic, beautiful. I wouldn't have minded the extra 4 photos.


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